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Saturday, 12 February 2011

Most Common Essay Words

Do not be intimidated by confusing essay titles. Instead, look at these:

Account for - or in other words - Explain how a given theory, thesis, proposition or a trend came about and how it was laid down. A suitable structure is the pyramidal structure, whereby you outline the events following from one another. Or you could write down each argument in a separate paragraph, forming a kind of chronological structure.

Analyse - or in other words - Explain each and every issue that constitutes the argument, and how different points make up the whole logic behind the argument. Use again a pyramidal structure.

Assess - or in other words - Show how important an issue is. The implication here is that you need to consider the topic in the context of surrounding ideologies. Explain your thesis paragraph by paragraph, using a linear essay structure.

Compare and/or Contrast - or in other words - Show the similarities or differences between two issues.Use a binary paragraph structure.

Discuss/Critically Discuss - or in other words - Describe both arguments for, and against. Use a binary  structure, whereby in the first paragraph you describe the pro, in the second one you describe the con.
Critically Discuss simply means that you need to be more theoretical in your arguments. 

Evaluate - or in other words - See Assess.

Explain - or in other words - Clarify the meaning of a particular topic. Make clear what a certain thing really is. Use a linear structure or a loose pyramidal structure. 

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What is?/How?or in other words - Answer the question straightforwardly, jotting down arguments as to what is the main factor or how something has come about. 

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